A picture of the start of the FIRE Comic Strip.

Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) Comic

Page 1 of FIRE Comic Strip.
Panel 1: Three people watches an employee packing their stuff in their office.
Panel 2: A person asks to the person packing their stuff, "What happened Mike? Did you get fired? Are you being reassigned to some other place?" The person packing stuff (Mike) answers back saying, "No, Kirk. I am just leaving my job." Everyone gasps in shock.
Panel 3: Another person asks a question to Mike, "Are you joining another company, Mike?". Mike replies, "No, no. Well, maybe if I decide to start my own business. But for now, there is no plan." Kirk asks in shock, "How will you live Mike? Do you have enough savings until you find a new job?"
Panel 4: Mike says, "Kirk, I do need to find another job. Not now, not ever. I have saved up enough to retire." The other person asks in confusion, "But you are only 40, Mike? How will you retire?" Mike replies saying, " Through FIRE, Jorge. Financial Independence, Retire Early."
Page 2 of FIRE Comic Strip.
Panel 5: Mike says, " It helps you guide through a journey towards financial independence and early retirement. I have been saving up for a while and I am finally retiring." The third member of the other employees says, "Wow Mike, that is great. I wish I also did that. I could retire early as well but, now I would have to work for the rest of my life."
Panel 6: Mike replies saying, "Do not worry, Carol, you can still follow FIRE and someday you too will have enough savings to retire early." Carol asks, "But how Mike? I barely have any savings." Mike says, "There are many methods of FIRE. You can try the one that suit you. Like Lean FIRE, which is living in minimalism. You can use this to retire early."
Panel 7: Carol says, "Thanks Mike! I will be sure to check it out."
Panel 8: Mike is on a parachute. Mike descends ino the sunset and lives happily ever after.
Page 3 of FIRE Comic Strip.
The End.

Socializing is a core part of being a human being. It’s what sets us apart from animals. We communicate, create memories, and commemorate occasions. It forms a sense of community with our being homo-sapiens. The little chit-chats by the coffee machines in the office with your colleagues are some of the things that matter.

Even though the office is a place where things are carried out formally and a place where business is conducted, you may find yourself getting attached to people you have been working with over the years. When one of your coworkers plans to end their journey with your organization, it can sometimes be disheartening.

One such scenario plays out when Mike decides to retire at 40. While his coworkers are deeply saddened by the thought of him parting away from them, they are also very shocked at the same time. The question arises in their minds as to how Mike is able to retire so early. He explains to them upon being drowned in questions that he is able to do so with the help of FIRE movement or Financial Independence, Retire Early. This form of financial management allows an individual to gain financial freedom and live their lives labor-free.

This early retirement movement can help you achieve financial independence earlier than most would. There are multiple methods through which you can participate in this and join the FIRE community. You can also use online tools such as a FIRE calculator to make your journey easier. The main motive of FIRE is to save enough money so that you can retire early and live without working another day, and if that is what you want, be sure to check our blog out on FIRE.

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