A picture of burger to denote the obesity in Morbidly Obese FIRE.

Morbidly Obese FIRE: Equilibrium Amid Wealth & Health

“अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत्”, a saying in Sanskrit that translates to “Excess of anything is bad”. Anyone in their right mind would agree with this. Having a balanced and subsequent amount of everything is essential in life. Just like when one side of the cart carries too much weight, it tilts and eventually tumbles. It is key to make sure that all our burdens and struggles are evenly coped with.  This can also be taken into account when considering our health and wealth. 

Having health-related issues can work as an obstacle or a setback when trying to achieve your goal. One such malady commonly known to humankind is obesity. Many of us suffer from it. It can lead to various other problems. Such thoughts almost make us want to quit all our leisurely foods. However, it is better to avoid it. That is not the answer. For that, you can always opt for professional advice.

Here, we get to tackle “obesity” with the sword of finance. This is ironic since the finance devil will encourage you to get obese. Not literally. Just in terms of your fiscal status.

Although not as well-defined as Fat FIRE, the mythological morbidly obese FIRE suggests some kind of substantial margin of spending more than $100,000 a year.  Some claim that if you spend $200,000 or more a year, you fall into this category—as long as you intend to keep spending at this level during your FIRE years.  

Obese FIRE, short for “Optimally Balanced Essential Spending and Exercise FIRE,” is a movement that emphasizes achieving financial independence while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It encourages individuals to strike a balance between managing their finances efficiently and prioritizing their physical and mental health. The movement acknowledges that true wealth encompasses both financial security and well-being.

I think the term “morbidly obese FIRE” is humorous and will use it to describe the strategy for achieving financial independence. Even though it’s amusing, it essentially captures what I’m attempting.

With $5 to $10 million in the bank, or rather invested, Obese FIRE users intend to retire. You most likely need to make a lot of money, or you won’t be beginning from scratch. You may have inherited part of your fortune and had a privileged life.

Obese FIRE is a perfect example of how FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) may clearly indicate wanting more. Even if you merely retire five or ten years ahead of schedule, YOLO is the watchword. Who says your finest years can’t be your last 20, 30, or 40?

However, someone aiming for Obese FIRE could want to accumulate and pass down generational riches. They hope to leave something behind. They wish to support subsequent generations and inspire them to do the same.

Key Principles of Obese FIRE

  • Balancing Essential Spending: Obese FIRE emphasizes the importance of budgeting for essential expenses like quality food, healthcare, and wellness activities. It encourages individuals to invest in their health without compromising their financial stability.
  • Mindful Exercise and Nutrition: The movement promotes a holistic approach to health, emphasizing regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and mental well-being. It recognizes that a healthy lifestyle is a fundamental component of a fulfilling life.
  • Sustainable Financial Practices: Obese FIRE discourages extreme frugality or sacrificing health in the pursuit of financial independence. Instead, it advocates for sustainable financial habits that align with long-term well-being.
  • Personalized Health Goals: Obese FIRE recognizes that health is a deeply personal journey. It encourages individuals to set and pursue health goals that are realistic and sustainable for their unique circumstances.

Challenges of Obese FIRE

  • Balancing Priorities: Finding the right equilibrium between financial goals and health aspirations can be challenging. It requires thoughtful planning and sometimes involves making difficult choices.
  • Navigating Healthcare Costs: Health-related expenses can be a significant factor in one’s budget. Obese FIRE encourages proactive healthcare planning to manage costs effectively.

Benefits of Obese FIRE

  • Enhanced Quality of Life: By prioritizing health alongside financial independence, individuals in the Obese FIRE movement often report a higher overall quality of life.
  • Long-Term Sustainability: Incorporating health and wellness into the FIRE journey promotes sustainable habits that can be maintained well into retirement.

A paradigm transformation in how we conceive of early retirement and financial independence may be seen in the “Obese FIRE” movement. It highlights the fact that genuine prosperity includes both a sense of financial stability and overall well-being. To walk the route to Obese FIRE and unleash a life of joy, vigor, and financial stability, one must adopt the concepts of balanced spending, mindful health habits, and tailored goal-setting. Inseminating on the fact that health is wealth at the end of the day. Keep in mind that the ultimate aim is to flourish along the way, not merely to retire early. It’s fine now. You can indulge in that slice of pizza.

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